worksheets プリント
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1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

Animals and their sounds (動物とその鳴き声) -- by Rob 
2nd Grade Worksheet (2年生のプリント) -- by
Unit 3: Higher or Lower (もっと高いか低いか) -- by Rob  Unit 7: Color Shapes Bingo (色と形のビンゴ) -- by Rob 
Unit 7: Christmas Card making with shapes (クリスマスカード作り[形を使って]) -- by Rob 
Unit 9: Who am I? Animal Quiz (「Who am I?」ビデオ) -- by Rob 
Unit 9: Rare kanji for quiz making (クイズ作りの珍し漢字) -- by Rob 
Unit 9: 3rd Grade Word List (3年生の単語リスト) -- by Rob 
Unit 2: Find the Criminal (Clothing Game) -- by Rob  Unit 3: Days of the week (& Clothing) board game-- by Rob 
Unit 4: What time do you...? (Asking teachers & friends) -- by Rob 
Unit 5: Do you have a...? (Classroom things Bingo) -- by Rob 
Unit 7: What do you want (parfait) -- by Rob  Unit 7: What do you want (Pizza Shop) -- by Rob 
Unit 8: My favorite place-- by Rob 
Akaishidai Elementary School  Akenodaira Elementary School  Tomigaoka Elementary School 
Tomiya Elementary School  listen and write
Unit 9: This is my day (letter writing)-- by Rob 
Unit 1~8 Writing Worksheets-- by Saori and Rob

U1-U8 (全部)

5th Grade - Check Your Steps 1 (pp. 34f~35)-- by Rob
(U4) Can you ...? (Guess what your teachers can do)-- by Rob (U4) Can you ...? (Interview Your Classmates)-- by Rob
(U4) Can you ...? (Interview & Write)-- by Rob (U4) Who is this? (発表)-- by Rob
(U5) Listen and Think (Giving Directions)-- by Rob
(U5) Giving Directions (Groups of 4 students)-- by Rob
(U7) Events During the Year (3 Hint Quiz)-- by Rob (U7) Welcome to Japan-- by Rob
(U8) My Hero-- by Rob
6th Grade - Check Your Steps 1 (pp. 30~31): Message to a Foreigner (外国人へメッセージ) -- by Rob 
(U5) Animal Quiz (「Animal Quiz」のビデオ) -- by Rob 
(U8) Looking Forward to JHS (Akaishidai ES) -- by Rob 
(U8) Looking Forward to JHS (Akenodaira ES) -- by Rob 
(U8) Looking Forward to JHS (Tomigaoka ES) -- by Rob 
(U8) Looking Forward to JHS (Tomiya ES) -- by Rob