Audio Files オーディオ
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes (体) -- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [普通]-- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [ゆっくり]-- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [ちょーゆっくり]-- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [速い]-- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [もっと速い]-- by Rob 
Can you Sing the Months with Me? (月) [ちょー速い]-- by Rob 
New Horizon Elementary English Course 5 (p. 93) (複数文字の書き取り) -- by Rob