The Dice Game is a dice game.
The Dice Game is a dice game.
Karuta is karuta.
The Key Word Game is a key word game.
The Matching Game is a matching game.
The Missing Game is a game that has gone missing.
Visnos 対話型時計。カラフルな教室のアナログ時計を使用して時間を教えるのは簡単です。デジタル時計の時刻も表示します。ステップバイステップで時間、分、秒について学びます。時計の針(丸のところ)をクリックしてドラッグすると時計の時刻を変えられます。
Visnos Interactive clock. Simple to teach telling the time using a colourful classroom analog clock. Show equivalent digital clock time. Step by step learn about hours, minutes and seconds. Simply click and drag the movable hands.